Suicidal Thoughts Because Of Gambling

Hello reddit, I started smoking weed about a year ago. When I first started getting high it was the funniest times I've had in my life. Eventually it started into a habit where I did it almost everyday. I have been smoking a lot lately and when I'm not high I always seem to be depressed and have suicidal thoughts. Problem Gambling, Mental Health, and Suicide. Problem gambling is typically accompanied by other difficulties. Very often, a person struggling with problem gambling is also struggling with mental health disorders and suicidal ideation. Of people struggling with gambling disorder: 40% are also struggling with anxiety disorder.

  1. Suicidal Because Of Gambling

Suicidal Because Of Gambling

Wow that is quite a story. You are right, we all have them.
First and formost please call someone-anyone. Sucide is a permatate soloution to a tempory problem. Maybe it is good in a way that your secret is out. The time to take action is now. No lies, come clean, seek treatment. Trust will have to be earned. People without the problem think we are just acting childish and stupid. To a 'normal' person looking from the outside in it does seem childish and stupid but as an addict we know it runs much deeper than that.
How did you Dad get clean? Maybe he could be a good resource for you.
Please keep us updated-people here understand

Suicidal Thoughts Because Of Gambling