Isle Casino Poker Blog Ross Lebo

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| @hardboiledpoker | In Super Tuesday

He's among the top 10 tournament earners in Netherlands' history with more than $1.9 million in career cashes. He's won European Poker Tour side events and twice final tabled high roller tournaments at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure. He has a great rock 'n' roll name and with a cool 'montecarlo13' handle appropriately plays from the EPT's annual finish line in Monaco. And now he has a Super Tuesday title.


Tonight Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal was the winner of PokerStars' weekly $1,050 no-limit hold'em tournament, with the Dutchman mounting a huge final table comeback to go from short stack to champion and claim a $102,980 first prize.

Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal

A big turnout of 542 players meant a prize pool of $542,000 for this week's Super Tuesday -- well over the event's $400K guarantee. By the time the tournament was six hours old that big field had become just 63, and with the money bubble having burst J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly sat atop the counts, having just won a few pots to create some distance from the chase pack.

J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly

Less than two hours later they were down to 18, with Kelly having slipped back to an average chip stack while NastyMinder rose to first position.

bk0705 (18th), vini870134 (17th), and summuNNN (16th) were the next players out, each picking up $4,336. Then pvas (15th), Bluf_to_Much (14th), and Erebgil_bg (13th) were successively ousted, earning $5,420 apiece for their finishes.

TIPCHIK321 (12th), and torino2000 (11th) next fell, then a short while after hand-for-hand play began an intriguing hand developed between two of the bigger stacks, thelumeister and DonKolion.

The hand began with thelumeister limping in from the small blind, DonKolion raising from the big, and thelumesiter calling. The pair both checked the 6♦4♥9♣ flop, then after thelumeister checked the J♣ turn, DonKolion fired a bet then thelumeister check-raised. DonKolion called, bringing the pot close to 175,000.

The river was the 5♠, and thelumeister made a big bet of just over 200,000, leaving about 115,000 behind. DonKolion hesitated, then shoved all in and after thinking thelumeister called with what was left behind.

thelumeister showed J♥6♥ for two pair, but DonKolion had rivered a straight with 8♠7♥ to knock thelumesiter out in 10th. Like the previous two knocked out, thelumeister earned $6,504 for the finish. On the strength of that pot, DonKolion had the chip lead among the final nine.

Meanwhile sitting on the short stack with just over 11 big blinds to start the final table was the eventual winner, Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal.

Seat 1: Remi Lebo_10 (Ukraine) -- 354,140
Seat 2: Jerry 'Perrymejsen' Ödeen (Sweden) -- 138,016
Seat 3: J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly (Macao) -- 235,663
Seat 4: DonKolion (Canada) -- 869,277
Seat 5: NastyMinder (Switzerland) -- 514,202
Seat 6: Rhys 'floppinhel' Jones (United Kingdom) -- 139,096
Seat 7: RodRish (Chile) -- 124,480
Seat 8: torkolort1 (Norway) -- 264,186
Seat 9: Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal (Monaco) -- 70,940

The final nine made it to the tournament's nine-hour mark, with Metaal having started to chip up while Rhys 'floppinhel' Jones slipped back to the bottom of the counts. Soon the blinds were 3,600/7,200 when Metaal opened for 15,500 from early position. It folded to Rhys 'floppinhel' Jones in the small blind who three-bet pushed for just over 73,000 total, and after RodRish stepped aside Metaal was quick with the call.

Metaal had K♦K♣ while Jones showed A♣J♠. The board came 2♠Q♦8♠5♣4♠, and Jones was done in ninth.

Rhys 'floppinhel' Jones

Not quite 15 minutes later the blinds had increased to 4,000/8,000 when Remi Lebo_10 raised to 17,245 from UTG and got one caller in Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal playing from the big blind. The flop came 8♥A♣7♣, with Metaal check-calling a bet of 22,347 from Remi Lebo_10. The turn then brought the J♦ and another check from Metaal. This time Remi Lebo_10 bet 48,765, Metaal responded with an all-in push, and Remi Lebo_10 called with the 171,427 left behind.

Remi Lebo_10 showed A♦8♦ for two pair while Metaal had turned a straight with T♦9♦. The river was the 6♣, and Remi Lebo_10 had been knocked out in eighth.

A few orbits later torkolort1 was min-raising to 18,000 from middle position, DonKolion calling from the big blind, and the pair watched a flop come 8♦5♥6♥. Both checked, then after the Q♠ turn DonKolion checked, torkolort1 bet 19,450, DonKolion made it 45,000 to go, and torkolort1 called.

The river was the 6♠, bringing a bet of 175,000 from DonKolion -- just a few chips more than what torkolort1 had left -- and the latter made the call to commit the stack.

torkolort1 had 9♠9♦ for nines and sixes, but DonKolion had 5♣5♠ for a full house and torkolort1 was sent railward in seventh.

Not long after that hand DonKolion opened for 22,000 (a bit over 2x) from UTG, Jerry 'Perrymejsen' Ödeen reraise-shoved for 106,478 from the small blind, then J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly pushed all in over the top of that to chase DonKolion. It was 7♠7♦ for Ödeen versus Kelly's Q♦Q♠. The J♦T♦Q♥ flop improved Kelly to a set, then the K♥ turn gave Ödeen slim hopes for a straight to chop. The river then brought the 2♠, and Ödeen was sent away in sixth.

Just a couple of minutes later RodRish open-raised all in from the cutoff for just over 84,000 with A♦8♦, DonKolion called from the big blind with A♥T♦, and a runout of 7♥J♠Q♠6♣4♦ meant RodRish's Super Tuesday run was over in fifth.

They pushed deeper into the tournament's 12th hour, then with the blinds up to 12,500/25,000 it was NastyMinder opening from the button for 53,750 and J.P. 'MrBarrett' Kelly calling from the big blind. The flop came 4♥2♦8♣, Kelly checked, NastyMinder continued for 48,700, Kelly shoved all in, and NastyMinder called with the 389,776 left.

NastyMinder showed 7♥7♦, but Kelly had a better pair with his K♦8♠. The turn brought the K♣ to improve Kelly to two pair, then after the Q♥ river NastyMinder had been cut down in fourth.

The final trio marched onward into the night, and after nearly half an hour J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly had built a big lead with more than 1.53 million versus Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal's almost 594,000 and DonKolion's stack of just under 580,000.

Then with the blinds 17,500/35,000, Kelly raised to 72,500 from the button, DonKolion shoved all in from the small blind, then Metaal reshoved from the big blind for a little more and Kelly folded. DonKolion had 3♣3♥, but Metaal had a better pair with T♠T♣, and five cards later -- J♣Q♣A♠9♦A♦ -- DonKolion was out in third.

That hand helped Metaal close the gap to start heads-up play, with Kelly beginning their final duel with the lead with 1,459,488 to Metaal's 1,250,512.

They would pass the lead back and forth over the next 15 minutes, then Metaal began to pull away, pushing up over 2.2 million while Kelly fell back under 500,000. Then on the 53rd hand between them -- after just over a half-hour of heads-up play -- the final hand took place.

The blinds were 22,500/45,000 with a 5,625 ante. Metaal limped in from the button, Kelly shoved with the 456,363 he had left, and Metaal called instantly.

MrBarrett82: K♣6♠
montecarlo13: A♥J♣

Metaal had the best of it, and after the 6♥A♣7♣ flop both had improved to a pair with Metaal still in front. The 7♠ turn kept the Dutchman in the lead, then the 8♣ river sealed it -- Metaal had won.

Congratulations to Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal for outlasting a tough Super Tuesday field and challenging final table to win this week's Super Tuesday and earn a handsome six-figure score.

Ship supertuesday 100k 😎😎😎😎

— govert metaal (@GMetaal) August 5, 2015

Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal

8/4/15 Super Tuesday ($1,050 No-Limit Hold'em) results
Entrants: 542
Prize pool: $542,000.00
Places paid: 63

1. Govert 'montecarlo13' Metaal (Monaco) -- $102,980.00
2. J.P. 'MrBarrett82' Kelly (Macao) -- $75,880.00
3. DonKolion (Canada) -- $55,555.00
4. NastyMinder (Switzerland) -- $42,276.pp
5. RodRish (Chile) -- $29,810.00
6. Jerry 'Perrymejsen' Ödeen (Sweden) -- $23,035.00
7. torkolort1 (Norway) -- $17,615.00
8. Remi Lebo_10 (Ukraine) -- $12,195.00
9. Rhys 'floppinhel' Jones (United Kingdom) -- $8,997.20

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

| @hardboiledpoker | In SCOOP

Two days of poker. Below average chips to start the final table. Three hours of heads-up play (!), including being down more than 11-to-1 in chips at one point and having to survive multiple all-ins. That's what Ukraine's Remi Lebo_10 fought through to win SCOOP Event #45-H and a total prize of $236,783.74.

There were 730 players participating in this 'Thursday Thrill Special Edition' event, a $2,100 no-limit hold'em 'progressive knockout' tournament. That meant a total prize pool of $1.46 million (way over the $1M guarantee), with half of that going to the top 87 finishers and the other half going for bounties.

Most of the field was whittled away on Day 1, then it didn't take long on Day 2 for those remaining to play down to 18 players and the final two tables.

Biocid (18th), deivid29 (17th), XingsMaster (16th), and Creatiff111 (15th) were the next to go out, each cashing for $5,736.99 plus bounties. Then Thiago 'KKremate' Crema (14th) and Sam 'Lrslzk' Kelopuro (13th) followed, earning $7,175.09 apiece plus bounties with Kelopuro taking away $11K-plus for his.

Black88 (12th), Malario (11th), and after a lengthy final table bubble Serban 'Dannyz0r' Borlan (10th) then went out, taking away $8,973.67 each from the regular prize pool plus extra chunks for knockouts, with Black88 adding $12,750 to the cash.

With the Brazilian João 'IneedMassari' Simão the chip leader having built up a stack of more than 16.6 million, the final table was underway.

Seat 1: Maszat 'noirduck' Marci (Hungary) -- 3,624,252
Seat 2: João 'IneedMassari' Simão (Brazil) -- 16,644,280
Seat 3: IgorKarkarof (Denmark) -- 5,376,740
Seat 4: Remi Lebo_10 (Ukraine) -- 7,824,701
Seat 5: Stakelis24 (Lithuania) -- 12,239,276
Seat 6: Sebastian 'p0cket00' Sikorski (Canada) -- 8,298,787
Seat 7: Razvan 'razvyqq' Belea (Romania) -- 2,735,118
Seat 8: Helio 'hneves182' Neves (Brazil) -- 4,807,703
Seat 9: Aliaksei 'ale6ka' Boika (Belarus) -- 11,449,143

It took about five minutes for the first final table knockout to come thanks to chip leader Simão. And it was a wild one. As a short preview, here are the post-hand chatbox reactions in advance:

razvyqq: wow
IgorKarkarof: ye
IgorKarkarof: i def need a massari

After Simão min-raised to 280,000 from middle position, IgorKarkarof called from one seat over, then Stakelis24 reraised to 1.15 million from the button. It folded back to Simão who four-bet to just over 2.82 million, IgorKarkarof folded, and Stakelis24 called.

The flop came 3♦4♣J♣. Simão led for 1,333,333 and Stakelis24 called. Both then checked the 8♥ turn.

The river brought the 2♥, and Simão led for about 1.95 million. Stakelis24 responded with an all-in shove for almost 7.7 million and Simão called. Stakelis24 had A♣A♥, but Simão had rivered two pair with 4♦2♦ to earn the knockout and push his leading stack up over 27 million -- well over half what his nearest challenger had.

With one TCOOP title and one WCOOP title already, Simão appeared primed for a run at the coveted 'Triple COOP' if he could hold on in this one.

João 'IneedMassari' Simão

About a half-hour later there was a three-way all-in resulting in no knockouts, but a big triple-up for Simão's short-stacked countryman Helio 'hneves182' Neves whose pocket queens survived against Sebastian 'p0cket00' Sikorski's tens and Aliaksei 'ale6ka' Boika's ace-king.

A few minutes later Sikorski had gotten short and was all in before the flop for less than a big blind versus four opponents. There was some mild action on the 3♠5♣9♠ flop then four checks each after the J♣ turn and 4♣ river, and when Maszat 'noirduck' Marci showed A♥2♣ for a wheel everyone mucked including Sikorski who was out in eighth.

That finish will help Sikorski move up further on the SCOOP Player of the Series leaderboard where he began today just outside the top 30.

They played on and were nearing the day's four-hour mark when IgorKarkarof made a big 13x-ish open to almost 2.6 million from middle position, razvyqq reraised from the button, and IgorKarkarof called all in with the 926K behind.

IgorKarkarof had A♣Q♦ and razvyqq Q♣Q♥, and the K♣4♠4♥5♠4♣ board didn't help IgorKarkarof who was out in seventh. Like Simão, IgorKarkarof has a TCOOP title and a SCOOP title, too, but will have to keep trying for that elusive Triple COOP.

About 45 minutes after that Remi Lebo_10 had passed João 'IneedMassari' Simão to take the lead when Simão raised 4x-plus to just over 1 million from the cutoff. It folded to EPT13 Malta Main Event champion Aliaksei 'ale6ka' Boika in the big blind who reraised all in for almost 4.55 million, and Simão called.

Boika had A♠T♠ and Simão J♥J♣. The board came 6♥9♣3♥8♥Q♦, and with his ace-ten unimproved Boika was bounced in sixth. A nice finish for Boika who also won his second SCOOP title this series in Event #16-L ($55 NLHE 6-Max, Turbo, High Roller).

A while later would come another decisive hand -- indeed, the biggest pot of the tournament to that point -- and another chatbox reaction ('wow').

It started with Helio 'hneves182' Neves opening for a little over 2x with a raise to 522,500 from the hijack seat. From the small blind over João 'IneedMassari' Simão three-bet to 2,222,222, then Remi Lebo_10 four-bet to 4,422,667 from the big blind. Neves then jammed for 12,222,500, Simão reraised all in over that for 18,035,116 total, and having both covered Remi Lebo_10 called.

IneedMassari: K♥K♦
Remi Lebo_10: A♠A♦
hneves182: A♣A♥

Isle Casino Poker Blog Ross Lebo

Kings vs. aces vs. aces! And if that weren't enough drama, the flop came 4♠3♠8♠ and the turn the 9♠, making a flush for Remi Lebo_10, the river no matter, and sending the two Brazilians out of the tournament in one hand, Neves in fifth and Simão in fourth.

That deserves a 'wow,' wouldn't you say?

Isles Poker Casino

Helio 'hneves182' Neves

Isles Casino Poker Blog

razvyqq was the one with the comment, by the way. Alas razvyqq would a short while after that be the third-place finisher after leader Remi Lebo_10 open-jammed from the small blind with A♠9♣, razvyqq called all in for just over 3.5 million (14 big blinds) with K♦Q♣, and the board came J♣9♠J♥J♠4♥.

All those knockouts gave Remi Lebo_10 several bounties and a lot of chips -- over 64.2 million of them, in fact, which was more than seven times the 8.7 million Maszat 'noirduck' Marci had to start heads-up play.

Easy breezy finishing this off, right?


Marci steadily chipped back, and after a half-hour of heads-up had snagged the lead away from Remi Lebo_10. For the next hour they remained relatively close to one another in chips as they battled, then as they approached two hours of heads-up Marci built up further to push Remi Lebo_10 down under 6 million while Marci had over 67 million.

Remi Lebo_10 won two straight all-ins, though -- one with ace-three vs. ace-nine (Remi Lebo_10 made a straight), another with ace-ten vs. queen-jack (flopping two pair and fading a flush draw) -- and quickly moved up out of the danger zone.

Then Remi Lebo_10 won two more all-ins -- one preflop with ace-three versus jacks (flopping trips), another after turning a full house with pocket kings and getting it all in after Marci rivered a straight -- and soon enjoyed a big chip advantage.

They continued onward, reaching almost exactly three hours of heads-up play. Then with Remi Lebo_10 about 2-to-1 ahead in chips a hand arose that saw Marci open from the button, Remi Lebo_10 three-bet, Marci jam for 24.7 million total (about 41 BBs), and Remi Lebo_10 call.

Remi Lebo_10: 8♣8♠
noirduck: 5♥5♠

Pocket pairs for both, but Remi Lebo_10's was better, and five cards later -- 4♠Q♥7♦T♦J♠ -- the eights remained best and Remi Lebo_10 had finally won.

Congratulations to Remi Lebo_10 for surviving a long, tough tournament and especially challenging heads-up duel to win SCOOP #45-H and earning a $124,275.94 first prize plus a whopping $112,507.80 in bounties.

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SCOOP-45-H ($2,100 NLHE, Progressive KO, Thursday Thrill SE) results
Entries: 730
Total prize pool: $1,460,000
Places paid: 87

1. Remi Lebo_10 (Ukraine) $124,275.94 (plus $112,507.80 in bounties)
2. Maszat 'noirduck' Marci (Hungary) $91,008.29 (plus $ in bounties)
3. Razvan 'razvyqq' Belea (Romania) $66,646.51 (plus $15,609.38 in bounties)
4. João 'IneedMassari' Simão (Brazil) $48,806.04 (plus $55,726.56 in bounties)
5. Helio 'hneves182' Neves (Brazil) $35,741.23 (plus $7,062.50 in bounties)
6. Aliaksei 'ale6ka' Boika (Belarus) $26,173.78 (plus $7,000.00 in bounties)
7. IgorKarkarof (Denmark) $19,167.39 (plus $2,562.50 in bounties)
8. Sebastian 'p0cket00' Sikorski (Canada) $14,036.51 (plus $23,718.75 in bounties)
9. Stakelis24 (Lithuania) $11,223.23 (plus $19,203.13 in bounties)

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